Kawa ElDorado


Along almost 3,000 kilometers of inter-Andean valleys, from the extreme south to the extreme north of Colombia, live the 540,000 coffee-growing families in the coffee-growing regions of the country. The vast majority live on small farms or plots of land whose coffee crops, on average, do not exceed 2 hectares.

The character Juan Valdez is a perfect representation of Colombian coffee growers: cheerful human beings that are concerned about maintaining a relationship of conservation and care with the environment that surrounds them. Throughout the years, Colombians have been known for being caring, gentle, and giving. Perhaps these qualities come from the devotion they have always had to their lands and neighbors.

The coffee-growing families unite through their principles of democratic participation, solidarity, commitment, search for well-being, sustainable development, and forming a model of peace for Colombia. This coffee culture has passed from generation to generation. To this day, young people still follow this model of life, and both their community and the National Federation of Coffee Growers seek better and greater ways of inclusion in coffee activity. These people are 100% dedicated to transmitting the best of themselves in their activity.

Most growers in Colombia won’t mind if you come to their land and visit the crops. In fact, they will proudly offer a cup of their own coffee for you to taste. There are specialized places that will sell guided tours for cheap in order to incentivize the purchase of local products. While doing so, you can interact and evidence the kindness and richness of Colombian coffee culture.

Are you interested in more blogs? Well don’t fret, check out:

Learn more about the history of coffee here.
Learn about the health benefits of coffee here

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